A business owner that sees less leads coming in and does nothing, will blame the “market” when revenue dries up.
A business owner that doesn’t allocate spend on advertising their business and instead uses it for unnecessary expenses, will blame the “market” when the revenue dries up.
The market isn’t always as bad as some make out, but it gets blamed a lot when downturns happen. Yes there are a few industries that have been heavily affected currently which is a shame, but the majority of businesses are getting back to normal again.
So when you need to get moving again in a hurry, allocate your money right and spend on growth. When leads start getting thin, don’t start throwing blame out, take responsibility and make a conscious choice to get out there and drive new business.
There are those that will blame the market, but there are also those that will own the market, because they prepare and counteract problems fast and turn things around.
Taking action and getting out there to drive leads can be as simple or as complicated as you want. Start with writing a blog and posting it on social media consistently, send out a newsletter to your client base, or leads that haven't purchased. Pay someone to advertise online for you or do a letter drop. There are a wide range of ways to get your business out there, But whatever it is, just make sure its an action that can lead to results that are measurable.
You wont always get it right the first time, but doing nothing and placing blame elsewhere gives you one guarantee. A guaranteed path to obscurity!
So which card are you playing? Be the latter and own the market by making things happen.